“Sokolom za sokola” Campaign
Majo Public Agency designed a socially responsible campaign “Sokolom za sokola” for “Srbijavoz,” launched on December 1, 2023, at the Belgrade Center railway station. The main goal of the campaign is to protect and preserve the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug), the largest falcon species in Serbia, which is facing the threat of imminent extinction. Partners in the project include the Provincial Institute for Nature Protection, “Elektromreža Srbije,” the municipality of Alibunar, and the Association “Young Researchers of Serbia.”
During the campaign, 1 dinar from each ticket purchased on the “Soko” train is allocated to the purchase and installation of ten artificial nests on power lines along the Belgrade-Novi Sad railway, where these birds typically nest. Additionally, funds are directed to cleaning part of the Saker Falcon habitat in the municipality of Alibunar. The presence of a Saker Falcon specimen during the campaign launch was a special attraction and a unique opportunity for many to get up close with this fascinating bird.
The national news agency Tanjug and journalists of relevant media attended the event.
After the adoption of our concept for the whole campaign, we organised a press conference, created and distributed press releases. The entire branding, social media advertisements, city lights totems, video coverages for TV appearances, and a voice-over for informing passengers on the “Soko” train were created for the campaign.
The first wave of the campaign was well-received in the media through numerous TV appearances on national and cable television, as well as posts on popular portals and social media.
#Ideja #PredlogSaradnje #OrganizacijaDogađaja #OdnosiSaMedijima #DruštveneMreže
Key visual: Fullhouse Ogilvy