Auto-moto savez Srbije
Back to school
AMSS Quiz for the Youngest
Inspired by the well-known television format “Kefalica,” we devised a social media campaign for our client – the Auto-moto savez Srbije. The campaign’s primary goal was to promote responsible behavior in traffic, delivering a crucial message about the safety of children, especially before the start of the new school year.
On the Right Path to Brand Awareness
During the production of content for social media, the main idea was to motivate children to answer as sincerely as possible, unburdened by the accuracy of what they were saying. Six of them answered questions about traffic, such as “What is safety?”, “Why are there red, yellow, and green lights on the traffic light?”, and “What is a highway?”.
To attract a broader audience, the questions and the children’s responses were turned into short video clips and published on social media. The creative content captured the audience’s attention, as they recognized the importance of this campaign and reacted to the sincere and somewhat humorous answers of the schoolchildren. Followers shared these reels among their friends and family, creating a viral effect.
Campaign Results
Through this promotion of responsible behavior and traffic safety, AMSS achieved its goals: brand awareness, reaching younger audience, and most importantly, promoting responsible driving. Just one reel was viewed by more than 700,000 people, with the total reach of these videos being 1,172,560 resulting in increased brand recognition.
#Communication #Copy #Content&Design #SocialMedia #Production #BrandAwareness #Digital #PaziteNaNas
Project Team
Agency Team:
Jasna Đorđević, Account Manager
Igor Radović, Digital Manager
Andrej Veličkov, Design
David Damjanović, Video
Production: Majo Public